
The VIMY RIDGE Apr.9,1917

At daybreak on April 9,1917 ,all 4 divisions of the Canadian Corps (aided by the British 5th Div. ) fighting together for the 1st time,stormed the Ridge.Nevertheless Hill 145 ,where the Vimy Ridge National Historic Site of Canada stands today , was stormed the next day !The whole operation  lasted only 4 days but it was at a very high cost : 10.602 casualties,among them , 3598 Canadians lost their lives !

                                     A crater at Vimy.

                                      A part of the subway is still visible today !

                                    The monument at Vimy designed by Seymour Alward.

The very charming little town of Arras,which is located only at  8 kms ,South of Vimy resemble a lot to a city of Belgium,like Brugges ! a great place for enjoying a local dish : a chitterling sausage ( Andouillete ) accompanied,of course ,by a local beer !

 The City Hall ,and its 246 Ft- belfry were totally rebuilt after the war since the previous ones were destroyed during WWI ( 1914 )

The Hotel des 3 Luppards (2nd building from Left ) was built in 1467 ; It has a typical local feature : a crow-stepped gable (or Corbie step ) ,a stairstep  design along the triangular gable of the building .